“Land transport will always be essential”

The most important challenge for our company is conforming to the adding costs,” says Alfonso Bleda, Traffic Manager of Transports Hermanos Corredor from Murcia, Spain that owns a line of 135 refrigerated exchanges that are equipped with multi-temperature units.

The transportation company has a focus on the transportation of fresh fruits and vegetables, specifically sees the cost of canvas, new rates for the use of roadways, lack of electronic factors in the production of vehicles, and the lack of motorists, rise.

Although things present challenges, Alfonso also sees possibilities arising from them. “Our idea is to achieve a more sustainable transport from the environmental point of view with the optimization of routes and the use of clean energies.” Also adding to the costs is the fresh document operation that arises from the epidemic of which the influence was felt by the company. “At the peak of the epidemic, we’ve suffered a big reduction within the inflow of unnecessary goods thanks to the conclusion of exertion in numerous sectors.”

Limited capacity

Transports Hermanos Corredor, that’s BRC, IFS, ISO 9001, and QS certified, operates a periodic transport service both from Spain to Holland and from Holland to Spain or France. From the Dutch office Raymond Haesakkers, with over 40 times of experience in the transportation of fresh yield between Spain and the Benelux, keeps in touch with the Dutch guests. Putatively, the company has a focus on land transportation but Raymond does see possibilities for multimodal transport like by rail or ocean from Spain to the Netherlands as well.

“ The reduction of pollution deduced from the utilization of energies also because the general increase in consumption and therefore the limited capacity of the roads produce to those transports that round land transport, which will always be essential due to its unequalled capacity to acclimatize to the demands of our guests. “


Another challenge Alfonso sees for the company that specializes in full weight without neglecting the rise of partial transports is the lack of motorists. Transportes Hermanos Corredor, which presently employs Spanish drives as well as motorists from away in the European Union, finds that it becomes decreasingly delicate to hire staff. “The sector isn’t attractive for youthful people who should relieve the great mass of current motorists whose average age is 50 to 55 times, “Alfonso concludes.

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